Reservists Work Groups (Reservistenarbeitsgemeinschaft - RAG, plural RAGen) are (mostly ) subdivisions of the RK, that specialized on one key subject.
Every member of the RK can participate in one or several RAGen.
The chairman of the RAG is decided by the board of the RK Kassel and therefore commissioner of the RK's board for the certain RAG.
The RAG commissioner is coopted into the RK's board.
Our Departments/RAGen:
The RAG Schießsport/Shooting is an independent shooting association within the RK Kassel. Only members of the RK can be members of the RK’s Shooting Association. The chairman of the RAG is elected by the members of the RAG.
The RAG performs civil (not military) shootings, with non-military (mostly private purchased) weapons and ammunition. During those (monthly and/or weekly) shooting exercises, the members of the RAG are not in the status of an active duty soldier (unlike during the military shooting exercises of the RK Kassel) and not allowed to wear military dresses.
As a member of the RAG Schießsport/Shooting and regular participant of those exercises, you can obtain a license to purchase a gun for personal/civilian usage. Otherwise you are not allowed to possess a gun in Germany, unless you are sports marksman or hunter.
Military Training
The RAG Marsch/MilAusb/Military Training set its sights on doing military exercises and training, to keep the RK members in good health, shape and their military knowledge up to date and effective.
The regular training includes infantry exercises, abseiling/rappelling and climbing, signal and radio exercises, orienteering marches, marches, field trips and bivouacs.
Tactics & Strategy
The RAG Taktik/Tactics & Strategy focuses on exercising military tactics and strategy.
It provides and encourages tactical knowledge for military leaders of the reserve, young officers, officer candidates, non-commissioned officers in leading positions and other interested personal of the RK. The objective is to keep the tactical knowledge of the RK members on the same or higher level as active duty soldiers.
Security Policy
The RAG Sicherheitspolitik/Security Policy deals with security policy topics.It therefore cooperates closely with other local and regional actors regarding security policy.
Together with those actors, the RAG schedules, organizes and gives Security Policy presentations with high class and prominent speakers as well as excursions and military-historical field trips.
every first Tuesday of the month (except on holidays)
Navy Mess of the RK Marine-Kassel
former Lüttich-barracks, bldg. 25
34131 Kassel-Marbachshöhe
+49 (0) 172 5775331