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International Activities
The RK participated in CIOR!

Confédération Interalliée des Officiers de Réserve/CIOR
The Interallied Confederation of Reserve Officers, commonly referred to by its French acronym CIOR, was founded in 1948 and represents the interests of over 1.3 million reservists across 36 participating nations within and beyond NATO, making it the world’s largest military reserve officer organization.
The CIOR has two main roles: to provide advice on Reserve issues and support to the NATO Alliance, and to foster the professional development of reserve officers.
The relationship between CIOR and NATO is fully defined in NATO Military Committee (MC) 248/1.

The RK Kassel provides the current German CIOR-Vice President, Kapitän zur See d.R./Captain at sea (res) Jan Hörmann.
We also provided personnel for the CIOR Organization Staff in 2014 (Deputy Chief of Staff - Oberstleutnant d.R./LTC (res.) Otto Wilhelm Vicum, Chief of CIMEX – Oberleutnant d.R./1LT (res.) Valentino Lipardi and CIMEX support staff).
Members of the RK Kassel often participated in CIOR as part of the German CIOR Delegation, like Oberstleutnant d.R./LTC (res.) Jörg Hildebrandt 2004 till 2014 and Oberleutnant d.R./1LT (res.) Valentino Lipardi – Young Reserve Officers Workshop (YROW) in 2015.
Military Shooting
We perform military shooting at Bundeswehr shooting sites/ranges. In most of them foreign fellow soldiers participate. That’s why those military shootings count as international activities.
National Activities
Our activities include presentations on/about Defense and Security Policy, as well as military training and exercises in medical care, study of weapons, tactics and strategy in the form of Field Training Exercises.
We often do military exercises like shooting or field firing together with our American fellow soldiers. Our military training includes exercises, military marches and bivouacs (military exercise camps).
If you want to participate in our activities or become a member of the RK, just contact us.

AlinKu YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vSRhHeOmihA
every first Tuesday of the month (except on holidays)
Navy Mess of the RK Marine-Kassel
former Lüttich-barracks, bldg. 25
34131 Kassel-Marbachshöhe
+49 (0) 172 5775331